Coaching for Founders

Double Your Productivity, Maximise Time, Get Out Of The Weeds And Grow Your Business.

Watch this 3 minute video to discover, how coaching works and how it can get you the results you’re looking for. 


ARE YOU READY TO grow your business?

Founder Coaching

Focus on Impact

Hit your business objectives every quarter. Our weekly sessions will give you confidence you're focusing on the right actions at the right time.

Build Resilience

Whether it's dealing with the latest problem, or reducing the risk of burnout, we'll unpack inner game mindsets to boost your resilience.

Increase ROI

Don't get stuck in the weeds! Take time out to focus on the bigger picture and what you and your team need to do to move the needle.

Maximise Time

Design habits and behaviours that support deep-work, delegate the right stuff, kick procrastination to the curb and supercharge productivity.

Discover your Leadership type with the Mattone Leadership Enneagram Inventory (MLEI)®

This is the same assessment John Mattone ran with Steve Jobs. It will give you critical insights on key areas to develop as a leader.

  • Type 1 – Perfectionist Trait
  • Type 2 – Helper Trait
  • Type 3 – Entertainer Trait
  • Type 4 – Artist Trait
  • Type 5 – Thinker Trait
  • Type 6 – Disciple Trait
  • Type 7 – Activist Trait
  • Type 8 – Driver Trait
  • Type 9 – Arbitrator Trait

Access Product Fit

We currently work with multiple 6 and 7 figure CEOs.

You have the option to Add-On our Product Fit Platform (powered by Leanstack). You’ll get access to playbooks from Ash Maurya, bestselling author of Running Lean, tools to model your business, measure traction, run customer interviews with AI and manage growth campaigns.

what people say

Mark is fantastic to work with. Gets to know your business & the challenges you're facing, then works to uncover solutions to help you hit your goals. Would highly recommend.
Zac Prutzman
Director of Revenue, Wethos
Mark is an excellent coach. The breadth of tools that he can call on to help others is remarkable. There is a reason that high-performers in sports and other disciplines get coaches...they work! And Mark is a case study of what works. Thanks!
Rick Galyean
CEO, Oropala, LLC
Mark has always led our SLT sessions with a fantastic energy and positivity ... but more than that, his ability to ensure our blue sky thinking is captured and developed into an achievable plan for delivery has made his guidance invaluable
Chris Ricketts
CEO, Lebom

Meet your coach

Mark Channon has been coaching clients for over 30 years. His focus is on helping current and future leaders perform at their best, grow their business, maximise time and focus on activities that generate impact.

His current clients include CEOs from 6 and multiple 7 figure businesses. With an extensive background leading digital products (ex. BBC, ex. Microsoft, multiple Startups), you won’t just receive high accountability coaching; you’ll be partnering with someone who understands what a great product looks like.

Mark was also one of the world’s first Grand Master of Memory recipients, creator of BBC’s Monkhouse’s Memory Masters and Memory Coach on Channel 4’s Can I Improve My Memory. He’s also Authored 3 business books on how to increase performance.


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